01-31-2017 09:37 AM
Hi NI Expert,
Here is my issue:
1. I have several test systems and use Veristand as well as XNET.
2. We have managed to have the same alias (and its path) into NI-XNET Databasefile on each test systems.
3. System definition files are also referred to alias/path found on NI-XNET database.
4. Tests are up and running properly until today. Veristand is not able to deploy system definition.
5. I have checked and verified that the system definition is still the same as before (We are using SVN as version control)
6. Once i opened system definition on Test System A, there are some errors mentioned that XNET Databases are not found.
7. On Test System A, i opened XNET Database editor: All alias, paths, and .xml files are still exist.
8. I used "XNET Database Get List.vi" and compare the result between Test system A and Test System B. They are the same.
9. BUT, on Test System A, i can't just use an (already/existing) registered alias to resolve the problem. I have to remove it first and re-added it. THIS IS something NOT RECOMMENDED.
Anyone have same issue or anyone can help me?
LabVIEW 2015 SP1
Veristand 2015 SP1
Teststand 2014 SP1
Solved! Go to Solution.
02-01-2017 05:27 AM
Maybe one hint.
One alias is j1939 and second one J1939.
02-01-2017 07:06 AM
Hi Jiri_K,
you have more eyes!
then one question left... since XNET dBase alias is generated automatically (except user customize it once it added), some of our system definitions project has j1939.. mostly written with J1939. This is still strange on how it was generated.
Unfortunately, to my short knowledge, there is still no way to trace alias history. Or is there any location i could search to find XNET alias lists on local pc?
Thanks again, that was a big help!
02-01-2017 07:55 AM
C:\Users\All Users\National Instruments\NI-XNET\nixnetAlias.xml
02-01-2017 08:01 AM
Once again,