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creating interactive execution

iam using the create interactive execution vi from the test stand OI in my own OI.
in IEngine NEW EXECUTION METHOD iam giving this reference as input to interactive args param and i have left out sequence args param and edit args param.
but iam getting only the execution of all the stepas and not selected steps. typical input to this vi are
STEPS -0 (only first element of array is 0)
but still it execute all the steps. have i missed any other inputs...
labview 6.0 and test stand 2.0 in windows 2000
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I wasn't able to read your attachment, however, I am attaching a quick example that shows what is necessary for an interactive execution using the NewExecution method.

Attached is 2 sequence files and one VI. You'll have to put PopUp.seq in c:\temp\ or else change the path I used in the VI. Next run RunInitExec.seq. It should run a couple of step from PopUp.seq interactively.

It sounds from the behavior you describe that you have an invalid InteractiveArgs object that you are inputing to the NewExecution method. If it is invalid, then the NewExecution will run your sequence (all of the steps) as a normal execution instead of an interactive one. Notice in the VI that the key properties that you **must** set for the InteractiveArgs
object are 1) the sequence object for the interactive execution, 2) the step group, and 3) the step indices of the steps you want executed. There are other options you can set that are not required.
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