NI TestStand

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Vi call in TestStand



During the execution of my sequence, I always receive a run time error on the incompatibility between the data passed and the TS variable who receive it (Wrong data.PNG). Studying the problem, while my mind was going crazy since all the data types was correct, I noticed (Teststand mapping.PNG) that TestStand doesn’t remap the vi correctly, or it’s better to say that the data to pass are mapped incorrectly since, as it’s possible to see in the screen, if I select the number parameter Ref Power in the vi pane blink the cluster Power spectrum. Why? How can I force TestStand to forget the old vi map or to learn the new one? I have tried everything: reloading the prototype, deleting the step, recompiling the vi code… How does TS work when there is a vi call?


It's the first time that a simple change in the connector pane of a vi create so much problem to me, is there any best practice to avoid the issue?


Thank you for the help!


Best Regards,


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 2



i try to add details that can help in solving the issue!


Best Regards,



0 Kudos
Message 2 of 2