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Teststand - ReportFilePath by Expression - TempReport fill up error

Hi everyone,


We're facing a strange issue in our production - and we're not sure if this is just some configuration error or issue on the TestStand side?



The "...\Local\Temp\TestStand"  folder is filling up with empty html or xml reports (ex. "TempReport_00002.html") -- and this is slowing down the production machine (20k+ files in couple of days). It's creating one empty file per UUT.


After some debugging, we found that the problem starts when specifying the Report File Path by Expression - and using the "$(UUTStatus)" macro.

For example: "   "$(ClientFileDir)" + "\\$(ClientFileName)_Report[$(FileTime)][$(FileDate)][$(UUTStatus)].$(FileExtension)"  "

The exact step where the TempReport is generated is in the attached screenshot (at the "Determine Report File Path Expression" step in the NI_ReportGenerator.seq -> Model Plugin - UUT Start).

We did not modify the NI_ReportGenerator.seq - this is the original version.


Another note: if I change the uutStatus input from "Nothing" to an empty string - it won't create the TempReport.html anymore, instead an empty report will be created next to the actual good report - using the same name as the good report - except the status part is missing.


Any ideas/suggestions if this is a bug or how to solve it?


Otherwise we'll just take out the UUTStatus macro - which is not ideal.


Thank you!




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I tried to simulate this.

The only time i got this was when i enabled the Use Temporary file flag.





What version of TestStand are you using and can you share the report settings and procedure which leads to the temporary file creation.



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Hello Ravi,


You need to specify the ReportFilePath by expression.


See the attached sequence for example.

If you run that using the parallel process model, you'll see that it'll keep creating empty HTML reports to "C:\Users\--username--\AppData\Local\Temp\TestStand\" folder.


If you delete the "$(UUTSTATUS" from the ReportOptions subsequence -> Locals.ReportOptions.ReportFileParallelModelExpression, then it'll stop creating the empty HTML report.


Left - empty reports created --- right - actual reports created based on the ReportFilePath.




TestStand 2017 - 32bit.


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