10-16-2013 10:56 AM
I need to Start, Stop, Abort the Teststand Simple Operator Interface with Hardware Switches
Issues is to connect the ActiveX Controls(Entrypoints) with the H/ W Switch read thr´ DIO
The teststand Entrypoint Buttons are Active X and they dont let value signalling or any other method to let Interact with the Teststand Engine.
Has any one worked on the same.
Any NI notes for the same!
10-16-2013 03:14 PM
As an example, the Test UUTs entry point button is connected with:
this.axSequenceFileViewMgr.ConnectCommand(this.axEntryPoint1Button, CommandKinds.CommandKind_ExecutionEntryPoints_Set, 0, CommandConnectionOptions.CommandConnection_NoOptions);
The way to invoke the same action as it will invoke when pushed is:
this.axSequenceFileViewMgr.GetCommand(CommandKinds.CommandKind_ExecutionEntryPoints_Set, 0).Execute(true);
10-17-2013 09:28 AM
Hallo James,
thnks for the response
Tried this method alas always get Invalid index error
I use labview as my development enviornment
10-23-2013 07:25 AM
Hi James,
unfortunately the mthd doent give expected response