I am having issues with opening TCP connection as well as SSH connections when running a sequence in parallel.
When opening a TCP connection, after a delay, one thread passes while the other gets stuck, resulting in the error "...exceeded user specified time limit".
I am connecting to local networks using two different network adapters.
The second issue is when using LabSSH to open SSH-connections, same thing here, one passes while the other is stuck.
When running the sequence with the sequential model there are no problems.
The first thing i found when searching was to use Reentrant execution in the VI:s, this made no difference. (I chose to "open VI front panel" to ensure that two clones were opened and that they used the correct IPs)
I broke out the code snippets which is causing the timeouts, images are included here.
When running the sequential model there are no problems and the whole sequence runs as expected.
I am using the Batch process model.
I am sure there is something simple that i am missing here, any help is appreciated.