I am using the latest LabVIEW VIs for the HP34401A DMM.
When measuring an open circuit, these VIs return a NaN (Not a Number).
When TestStand receives this value, it displays it as "-1.#IND" in the
Curiously, I can make a numeric test pass when passed a NaN by setting
the comparison type to "EQ" and putting ANY number in the numeric text
box. (=1, =-1, =2313, etc.) I believe this holds true for other NaNs
like positive infinity and negative infinity ("1.#INF" and "-1.#INF").
Is there a better way to handle a NaN other than intercepting it within
LabVIEW, testing for NaN, and changing the value to a very large
positive or negative number before passing it on to TestStand?
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