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Welcome to EtherNet/IP Industrial Protocol Support

@Garnett wrote:

{The Length Of The Assembly Data Exceeds The Length Of The Assembly}

I'm sure you've figured this out by now, but you've configured the assembly instance size as 16 and you are sending a 40-element array. You probably have old data in the array. If the size of the U8 array 'data to produce' and the assembly instance size match, you will not get this error.

"Computers are useless. They can only give you answers." - Pablo Picasso
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Message 121 of 125

Hi All,


I am looking to purchase a JXC91 controller for linear axis actuators. It has Ethernet/IP communication protocol. Would I be able to read data or control it using Labview on a PC? Or do I need a PLC for this? I would be grateful for your kind help.



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Message 122 of 125

Well, it depends.


There are basically two kinds of EtherNet/IP devices: an I/O Scanner that opens connections and initiates data transfers, and an I/O Adapter that provides data to Scanners. An I/O Adapter device receives implicit communication connection requests from an I/O Scanner then produces its I/O data at the requested rate. An I/O Adapter is also an Explicit Message Server. Scanners also typically support initiating explicit messages (Explicit Message Client). A programmable logic controller (PLC) is an example of an I/O Scanner device. The EtherNet/IP Toolkit for LabVIEW does not provide a means of being the I/O Scanner device, only the I/O Adapter.

There are two kinds of CIP messages that are transferred between scanner and adapter devices: Explicit Messages, which are asynchronous and transferred on an as-needed basis; and Implicit or I/O Messages, which are data messages that are continuously transferred between the devices. Your best bet is to use Explicit Messages to Get and Set the Attributes of interest. I don't have time to check your particular device specs, but this is how I've done it in the past.


You should reference the ODVA Document Library for lots of information about the EtherNet/IP protocol and specifications, including Pub 213, Quick Start for Vendors for an overview of the protocol.


You should also check the examples that ship with the EtherNet/IP Toolkit. Pay particular attention to the "Access Identity Attribute (Explicit).vi", "Write and Read", and "Write Raw Tag & Read" examples.

"Computers are useless. They can only give you answers." - Pablo Picasso
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Message 123 of 125



I need your help,

My app crashed after a random time with this report.
The data works fine without an error message.
The report gives me information related to the Ethernet / IP communication (toolkit) that I use.
I can't find the cause of this crash.
If someone has an idea ? thank you.



PC : Win 10 + Labview 2013 + NI-Industrial Communications for Ethernet/IP 1.3

PLC : Allen Bradley 5069.


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Message 124 of 125

I found the origin of the random crashes.
It was a memory leak on a background task (above 72h).


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Message 125 of 125