In this meeting, we discussed the development of NPR 7150.2D compliant software using the NI platform. This was a popular topic in 2023 (thank you, Hunter Smith, for your great presentation in October), so we extended our discussion on the subject with a new presentation by Chris Cilino from DMC. For those not familiar with NPR 7150.2D, you can watch an overview video here. For more detailed guidance material, you can review the NASA Software Engineering and Assurance Handbook.
NASA Space Launch System (SLS) Booster Obsolescence Life Extension Program (BOLE):
Developing NPR 7150.2 Compliant Software Using the NI Platform

NASA has determined that software engineering is a core capability and key enabling technology for missions and supporting infrastructure. Accordingly, NASA’s procedural requirement 7150.2 establishes engineering requirements to ensure the software’s quality. Many of these requirements pose technical challenges for software developers and logistical challenges for project managers building software using the NI Platform. In this presentation, you’ll learn how DMC developed tooling and systems to implement NI Platform based software for NASA’s Booster Obsolescence Life Extension (BOLE) Electrical Support Production Equipment.
About Chris Cilino
Based in Austin, Chris is a member of DMC's Test & Measurement team. He's a LabVIEW Champion (April 2018) and a Certified LabVIEW Architect (2014). In addition to developing and releasing community-oriented tools and libraries, Chris founded He believes that we, as scientists and engineers, can make the world a better place; and we can do it better and faster by working together.