09-15-2009 10:40 PM
09-16-2009 09:03 AM
Hi there,
Someone else was also looking for a SPICE model for the same FV converter. They found one here: http://www.geocities.com/russlk/LM2907.txt. All you need are the lines between .SUBCKT and .ENDS.
Hope that helps.
09-16-2009 10:15 AM
09-16-2009 11:59 AM
02-25-2010 01:29 AM
I am searching the spice model for the same chip, LM2907N and also LM2917N. The geocities link above is not available anymore. Hope got a respond.
04-14-2011 05:00 AM
I'm looking for the LM 2917 SPICE models. The link which had been given is no longer available. Pls help.
3rd Year IE student
Japan-Malaysia Technical Institute