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Ultiboard V14.1 Footprint Editor, automatically adding Text



I am experiencing an issue with Ultiboard 14.1 Power Pro Edition, regarding the text being automatically added to Footprints.


I created at Footprint for a 50 Pin connector, as a part of the footprint I added 4 numbers on the top silk, to denote pin number locations. In the form of 1, 25, 26 and 50. Once complete I saved it to my User Database.


Since then any other footprint I open with the database editor (Existing or New footprints), then adds these top silk text objects, in the exact same locations, sizes etc.


So for example if i open a footprint for an 0805 SMT Resistor, it will then add these 4 text objects, in the exact same location to the foot print. Even though they were not on the footprint before i opened it.


has anyone else experienced this?


Thanks - Taylor

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Message 1 of 3

Hi Taylor,


Firstly are you still seeing this error?


This sounds like it may be a universal default setting that has been applied when creating your footprint.


- Has this only happened with this particular footprint?

- If you delete this footprint do you still see the error?

- Have you imported any databases?

- Are there any changes to the functionality/behavior of any other components?


Kind Regards,


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Message 2 of 3

Hi Amy,


If i create a footprint, using the creation wizard, it does not add them, unless i go to edit the foot print at any stage, then the extra characters are added.


I have not yet tried deleting the footprint which introduced this error. But will give that a go.


No i have not imported any databases.


No other changes of which I have noticed. It only seems to be a footprint/Ultiboard issue only when a foot print has been opened up in the editor. So as per my previous example, I could open a Ultiboard footprint in the editor, and it would add these extra characters, if i save it then the new footprint will have these characters. if I delete them and then save it, then the footprint does not have them. So it only seems to be a glitch (and therefore an annoyance) that every time I open the footprint editor, it adds these extra characters.


Thanks for your Reply!



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Message 3 of 3