Multisim and Ultiboard

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How to export excellon drill file from ultiboard?

I'm trying to mill my pcb with cnc machine.

I have to export the grbl and excellon drill file.


How is this possible?
I mean, how can I export the excellon drill file but not a drill .gbr file from Ultiboard?

When I try to use the drill .gbr file in FlatCam there is some error and it is unusable

to generate the gcode for the cnc machine...


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Message 1 of 5

That's easy, File - Export, select which layer you use and check NC drill and Board Outline like in the first picture attached. Save all files in a folder, you will need Board Outline.gbr, Copper Bottom.gbr and Copper Top-Copper Bottom.drl for drill. I use FlatCam to generate G-Code files with extension ".nc".

But there are some other shapes/artifacts outside the pcb which are not useful and I don't know how to remove them...

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Message 2 of 5

Thanks for the replay, I did exactly the same way as you described.

Whenever I was trying to import to FlatCam that "excellon" drill file I got an error msg

something like the imported file is not an excellon file...
But, I switched to Eagle and I use now the pcb-gcode plugin wich is very easy to use and 

the gcode what I generate through this app is 1:1 good for my cnc.

Actually I haw that 2418 cnc from alliexpress and it makes really nice pcb's.


How to remove that things outside the pcb?

Forget it, no way.

I was remowing it in my cnc sender app which is the Candle for GRBL...

Just deleted from the gcode file.

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Message 3 of 5

I got errors with excellon only when I tried to import the other files, not the".drl"

Good tip...I've used Candle for GRBL for editing the ".nc" file and it works.  Thx

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Message 4 of 5

I don't know do you figured out in Candle does you can simulate your loaded g-code by selecting one cell in the g-code list and hold the up-down arrow on the keyboard.

You can also make the simulation step by step if you pressing the desired arrow.

You can also rotate and zoom in 3D your project.

What type of cnc machine do you have?

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