11-27-2023 09:34 AM
Hi all,
This feels like a stupid quetsion, but if the answer is not easy to find looking at the UI, then it's not my fault.
I'm using multisim online.
I do the following:
- create a circuit
- add some probes
- start a simulation
- stop a simulation
Now there are a bunch of tooltips next to all the probes with the values of currents and voltages measured during the simulation. Obviously that is useful initially because that's what I ran the simulation for.
However, after I have read them and am happy with the result, I need to keep editing my circuit (e.g. to change something before I run another simulation, or to correct a mistake that I found out thanks to the previous simulation).
Now the tooltips with the probe readings are all over the circuit and get in my way trying to look at and edit the circuit. It's a mess. Additionally, as soon as I modify something they become useless because they say "out of date", which obviously is expected.
I would expect to be able to hide all those readings. I can't find anything. Clicking or right-clicking on them does nothing; there's no "hide" or "clear" button or anything anywhere. I already pressed the "stop" button to stop the simulation.
Is there a way or do I need to close and reopen the circuit??
11-03-2024 10:27 AM
11-08-2024 03:29 AM
To do this, you'll want to hide the layer that contains all the probes and associated values.
Ensure that the 'Design Toolbox' is visible by selecting the checkbox next to 'Design Toolbox' in the View menu.
Click the 'Visibility' tab (bottom of Design Toolbox, next to Hierarchy) and then de-select the 'Probe' checkbox.
The menu is a bit hidden especially if on a minimized window and layers aren't emphasized in MultiSim, but the functionality to do exactly what you want is there.