10-22-2007 01:54 PM
10-23-2007 01:03 PM
Hi Marc,
If I understand your post correctly, your VI was running on
an older version of LabVIEW and you recently upgraded to LabVIEW 7.1. What version of LabVIEW did the VI work with? Did you install the Traditional NI-DAQ driver
after upgrading LabVIEW? By default, the
Traditional NI-DAQ driver installs to the latest version of LabVIEW and removes
support for previous versions. You will
not have Traditional DAQ functionality if you upgraded LabVIEW without
reinstalling the driver.
If you have installed the driver correctly, the
KnowledgeBase article KB 2WFE5JEW: Virtual Channels Missing in DAQ Channel Name
Control or Constant describes how to change the type of channel list to include
your specific channels.
Is the error that you mentioned related to the Virtual Channels not showing up in LabVIEW? Maybe you could post the error code and description so we can look into it further.
Keep me posted on your progress.