Multifunction DAQ

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how measure the time delay between the triggering of 2 channels

Hi there,


Basically, I have two gap slotted optical switches connected to 2 digital input . When the 1st optical switch value goes low, i want to start a timer and stop the when the 2nd optical switch value goes low






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Message 1 of 3

Hi DAQ_Newbie,


You may be able to do a Two Edge Separation Measurement  which allows you to measure the time difference between two edges of two different pulses, one sent to the gate and one to the auxiliary line. You should be able to set this up in your DAQ assistant under Counter Measurement Tasks. I would also like to point out that there are tons of great DAQmx shipping examples in LabVIEW that you could refer to. You can view these in your Example Finder by accessing it under Help » Find Examples. The example we are particularly interested in would be under Hardware Input and Output » Counter Measurements » Two-Signal Edge Separation.


Note that not all of our cards will be able to do this type of measurement so make sure to check that your board falls in the requirements list of your Example Finder. In the even that you can't do this measurement, you might have to use two counters and measure the time difference between a common trigger and the occurrence of your edge to find your time difference.


I hope this helps,

National Instruments
Applications Engineer
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Message 2 of 3

Spot on S_Hong


Thats exaclty what I was looking for.

thanks Heaps




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