02-06-2009 11:50 AM
02-06-2009 02:24 PM
I assume you want to save a .csv file (or files) that is LESS THAN 65,500 lines so that you can import it into Excel. If this is the case, one option would be to upgrade to Excel 2007, which has greater than one million rows. you may then be able to keep your data in one file only.
Another option, assuming you have your data in an array, is to split your array into smaller arrays using the Array Subset function. You can use the Array Size function to determine the size of your big array, and then determine how many parts to split it into.
02-09-2009 12:26 PM
If you would like to automaticly break up the files at given line number take a look at this post I made. I wrote an exmaple program that generates new files after a given line number.