Multifunction DAQ

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hardware advice

Hi All was hoping someone might be able to point me in the right direction for some hardware on a PXI ssytem with the following requirements.


5x 0v to +28v Analogue Outputs (pure voltage level switching)


I was looking for a FET driven switch of some kind as relays / reeds are undesireable because of bouncing.  The only FET switch card i could see was only capable of switching +/-10v.  These levels are read by an FPGA ultimately so switch bounce is an issue.  The PXI relay driver card looked interesting but i do not know much about it (Up to 50v with an external source?).  A multifunction card would be nice but most of them only have 4x analogue OP's and then they are only to +/-10v .  Any ideas most welcome.






LabVIEW 2012
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 3

Hello Craig,


If you're looking for an analog output that can output any voltage from 0 to 28 volts then the only option is our PXI-4110 power supply.  However, it sounds like you may actually be looking for a digital output that can output either 0 or 28 volts.  If this is the case I would recommend the NI 9475 (sourcing) or NI 9478 (sinking) which allow you to use high voltage digital logic.  You can use voltages up to 60V on the 9475 or 50V on the 9478.


I'm not sure exactly which switch module you were looking at, but if you'd like to post the model or product page I'd be happy to take a look.  It would also be easier to make the right recommendation if you could provide a more detailed description of your overall setup.



Message 2 of 3

Thanks Brooks,


 I have decided what to buy now.  Yes it was for digital stuff.  I have to interface with a wierd piece of hardware that operates on 28v logic!  I had a look at the sinking and sourcing cards and they would be great for purpose but decided that relays were good enough in the end.  Also they fit into the PXI rack neatly.




LabVIEW 2012
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Message 3 of 3