Multifunction DAQ

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Windows mobile or iphone

Is there a way to read measurements wirelessly using a cell phone running Windows mobile or iphone? or is there a Measurement Studio for Windows
mobile or iphone?
Message Edited by YYYYYYY on 12-17-2009 10:58 PM
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Message 1 of 5



There is a LabVIEW Mobile Module which will allow you to run custom applications on Windows mobile devices.  It is compatible with a lot of NI hardware, so you can run applications that can be monitored from your Windows mobile device.  Take a look at the datasheet for the LabVIEW Mobile Module which will tell you what software and hardware it is compatible with.  Please let me know if you have any additional questions.



Message 2 of 5
How about Measurement Studio for Windows mobile? I would like to write the code using C#
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Message 3 of 5

You should probably post in the Measurement Studio for VC++ forum for a better response for that.  How are you planning to communicate with your hardware?  With the exception of using LabVIEW for PDAs (which supports Windows Mobile 5) and DAQmx Base, there is not currently support for any DAQmx hardware in a way that you could communicate with it from a phone.  What hardware would you like to use?


One possibility would be to have the data acquisition system connected to a host computer, then publish the data to a webpage and use that for control from the phone.  Similar to the web services features in LabVIEW.


Seth B.
Principal Test Engineer | National Instruments
Certified LabVIEW Architect
Certified TestStand Architect
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Message 4 of 5

Unfortunately, Measurement Studio is not supported on Windows mobile.  The Mobile Module is only for LabVIEW so you will have to do all of your developing there.  The good news is that there is most likely an example already created which performs the task you are trying to do.  We have several resources, such as the forums and the Community, where you can receive help, and examples, from other fellow LabVIEW users.  I hope this helps.



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