03-25-2015 04:04 PM
1. I created a simple LabVIEW 2013 executable using NI-DAQ (c series module NI-9263 and USB compact DAQ 9171 chassis).
2. Then I created a LabVIEW installer with the following recommended installers:
- NI LabVIEW Run-Time Engine 2013 SP1
- NI-DAQmx Core Runtime 9.8
3. I've installed it on a computer in a lab (no NI software installed on it yet).
4. In my application I have a "DAQ Physical Channel" control to select the hardware.
5. When I click on the arrow to select the hardware I don't see any choices (my hardware is plugged in the lab computer) and I can see the devices in device manager.
6. I entered manually the device name (same name as I assigned on the computer that compiled the executable) and ran the application just fine without any errors.
Where is the device name is stored on the lab computer and how does this work?
7. I made a modification to the simple executable to add hardware (with a new "DAQ Physical Channel") and I only compiled the executable and copied it to the computer lab. I'm not able to run it.... I'm getting some error from the hardware (can't remember the specific error).
8. I've searched for MAX and it's not installed....
What should I do to make it work?
This application is not critical right now, but I'd like to know how this works.
Feel free to ask for more detail.
03-25-2015 04:37 PM
I made a verification and I was using the default device name, maybe that's why it works. Now, if I don't have access to MAX and I don't have anything in the drop down list box how should I know the default value for the device names?
03-25-2015 05:48 PM
03-26-2015 06:40 AM
Yes, that's what Idid.
What is the use (or the goal) of distributing an application that is using DAQ device without MAX? How can the application knows which hardware to use if multiple hardware is plugged in the destination computer?
03-26-2015 11:00 AM - edited 03-26-2015 11:03 AM
@Michel_Gauvin wrote:
Yes, that's what Idid.
What is the use (or the goal) of distributing an application that is using DAQ device without MAX? How can the application knows which hardware to use if multiple hardware is plugged in the destination computer?
Two ways to go about this.
First, for low mix systems I ALWAYS install max and all the DAQmx stuff is stored in MAX my installers then import the *.nce MAX config File and include all the DAQ software (Not just Base!)
For higher mix systems the DAQmx stuff (Chans, tasks, scales....) are persisted to the PROJECT (*.lvproj) then the app builder creates a NI DAQ file in the application build destination and the app looks for that file.
You can ALSO (with NI USB Devices) create a "Helper app" that hooks into NI Device Monitor and assigns a specific alias to a type of device when it is seen.