Multifunction DAQ

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USB 6009 Digital Input issue


      I am using USB 6009. When I am connecting the DAQ device to my computer , I am getting 5 V at all the digital input terminals. I measured this value using multimeter .I didnt connect anything at any terminals. And also checked in NI Max- Test Panel. In test panel, I've configured all the channels as digital Input lines.All the input channels are showing ON ( That means triggered on in green colour) .  I've attached the screenshot of MAX - Test panel. Awaiting for good response.


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Message 1 of 3

RTFM and RTFS(pec) can answer your questions 🙂

hint: look at page 18 of the manual and you can find that there is an internal 4.7kOhm pullup 😄


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Message 2 of 3

Many DIO on DAQ boards have built in pull-up or pull-down resistors.  So you really do need to read the specification to make sure you understand which way it will pull if nothing is connected.  The 6008 apparently has a pull-up built in.

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