Multifunction DAQ

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USB-6008, linux application start-up issue

Dear all,


I am trying to put at work the USB-6008 device on Linux (Fedora10 [I know: not in the official supported systems list, but Fedora is derived from RedHat...]).

I got the last nidaqmxbase package and I went through the install process.

I started from the provided sample codes.


I have been able to write&build a basic C code to write / read digital IO's.

It seems to work pretty well except that:

- Call to the first function "DAQmxBase..." is quite long (between 3-5 seconds)

- On average, every 4 or 5 runs, the call to the first function "DAQmxBase..." in my program never returns (In this case, never can be hours, after that, I kill the process...)


The first function "DAQmxBase..." in  my case is either "DAQmxBaseResetDevice" or "DAQmxBaseCreateTask". I tried both with the same result.


Did anyone ever seen such a behavior?

Eventually what could be a possible way to investigate what append?

Ideally, what could be a possible solution?


Any idea is welcome...


Thanks a lot.

Best regards

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