04-22-2022 11:18 AM
Just bought a new-to-me PXIe-6251 and am trying to troubleshoot these issues to determine if I have a dead board or not.
Self-test passes.
Self-Calibrate fails (Status Code: -200545), tried un-plugging and re-plugging, restarting, resetting, etc.
Current Device Temperature: -49.9°C
I have successfully self-calibrated my other NI PXI boards with no issues.
All voltages show "-0.0012V" flat, no ripple (which seems odd since it's open with no connector attached).
What can/should I do to try and resolve this issue?
Other setup information:
- New Dell Lattitude Laptop with Thunderbolt 4 ports
- New PXIe-1090 Chassis
- New Thunderbolt 3 (20gbps) cable
- New Power Cable
- PXI-6255 connected, fully functional
- PXIe-6251 connected, (see above for problems)
- Latest versions of all software (NI MAX, etc) latest windows updates, etc. etc.
04-22-2022 12:19 PM
High chance that the board is damaged and requires repair. If the firmware is functioning correctly, at least the temperature should be read back correctly.