Multifunction DAQ

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[PXI 4461] Can ch0 and ch1 work at the same time?

I'm using one PXI-4461 along with Visual Basic, to generate analog signals.

I need to generate 50Hz sine wave with sampling rate of 1kHz at channel 0 of 4461. (Signal A)

Also AT THE SAME TIME, 32kHz square wave needs to be generated using channel 1 of the 4461. (Signal B)

I have an ADC to be tested. Signal A above is ADC input signal, signal B is clock signal of ADC.


Is it possible to generate those two signals using ONE 4461?

Actually I did try and error using VB code. But I counldn't find a solution.

Channel 0 is working for generating the sine wave, then when channel 1 is tried to generate square wave, then DAQmx function shows error, saying that the device accessed is already reserved. If you have an example to generate any signals using two channels of 4461, could you upload it for me?





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You should be able to do something like this example. But when you select your channels choose Browse... you will then receive this:Select_item(s)-2010-05-26_09.48.23.png

You can then use the shift key to select multiple channels.  You will also want to change the polymorphic selector on the DAQmx Write VI to 1D Wfm N Chan N Samp which can be selected by Analog»Multiple Channels»Multiple Samples.


The tricky part will be creating your waveforms. You can do something like this:





Note your sample rate has to be 128KHz to generate the square wave.  I hope this helps!


Dustin D

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