Multifunction DAQ

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PCI6221 register map

I have purchased a 67 pin PCI-6221data acqusition board. I need to use this board for data acquisition in a control loop.  Thus, I cannot (or do not want even if I can) use the LabView, preferring to write a program in C++.  I need to know the addresses of input and output channels and timer outputs (That is ther offset address of the registers), etc. in order to read from or write into these channels.  This information (which is really very fundamental) is not given in the accompanying documents with the board.  I have spent quite some time searching for this with no avail.

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Message 1 of 5

I strongly suspect that you would have much better perfromance with LabVIEW RT and the standard DAQmx driver but the main DAQ Software gives the link for the DDK (Driver Development Kit). There's also a dedicated  board.

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Message 2 of 5
Thank you for your reply.  But I do not completely understand your sentence.  Do you mean that I get a better performance through Lab View, or I DO NOTget a better performance with Lab View.  Anyhow, the fact is that I do not have Lab View (RT or other).  Checking the web pages you mentioned, I see that I am going round a circle (I have checked all before).
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Message 3 of 5

You would get excellent performance with LabVIEW RT (real-time).


On the link I gave you,  there is link to Measurement Hardware Driver Development Kit (DDK) and the description (in part) says a register-level programming interface'. Isn't this what you are looking for? Or did you not scroll down the page?

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Message 4 of 5



As Dennis mentioned, you could use the Driver Development Kit if you really want to do register level programming with your device.  However, often a much simpler approach would be to use DAQmx's C API (assuming you are developing for Windows or a supported Linux distribution).  A good way to get started with this is to install DAQmx (download can be found from this page: DAQmx).  Once this is installed, you should be able to read the DAQmx C Reference Help, and look at multiple examples that get installed.


Hope this helps,

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Message 5 of 5