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PCI-6132 Analog input not working

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I'm having problems installing a PCI-6132 card on one of my computers. I'm runing Labview 7.1 and DAQmx 8.6. In MAX, I open the device and the test panels. The counters work fine however the analog inputs always give -10 volt ( -5 if the min is set to -5) with no noise. the same on every channel. I have not connected any termianls and expect to see noise around zero volts. Additionally, the card fails the self-calibration giving error -200545. 


I took another PCI-6132 from a system the works put it in this computer and had the same problem. So I assume the problem is with the computer or software setup. I've try reinstalling the labview and DAQmx and the problem has not been corrected.


Nick Wagner


(303) 497-3924

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 19

If you want to see 0V measured, you cannot leave the terminals open. You should actually ground them.


The calibration failure is something else and an issue that I cannot help you with.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 19

Thanks for the response Dennis. I grounded the analog input channel 0 and still had the same problem. reading -10 volts, no noise.



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 19
When you run the self test, what happens?
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 19
It passes the self-test.
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 19

Hey NLWagner,

I just wanted to confirm some things so that we can hopefully get everything working for you. You mention pulling a "working card" from another computer and it also not working in this computer. What happens if you move the first card to this other computer, does it then work? This would rule out the card. Also, what happens if you right click the device in Measurement & Automation Explorer and select reset device? Does it reset correctly? It seems the counter is working just fine so I assume that in your device manager the card shows up with no errors? Have you tried reseating the card in another PCI slot?



Nicholas Kannen

Platinum Systems Applications Engineer

National Instruments

National Instruments
Applications Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 19

Hi Nicholas



1) If I put the first card in to the working computer. It works. So I agree it is not a problem with the card. But, a combination of the card and the computer.


2) If I reset the device it comes up with a message saying the device has been reset. It resets fine.


3) yes, the card shows up in the device manager with no errors.


4) I put a PCI-6254 in the computer and tested the first analog input channel and when it was grounded, it gave noise around zero as I expected.


Nick Wagner


(303) 994-8256

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 19
What would kind of problems should expect if the computer couldn't supply enough power for the card?
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 19

OK, so I will jump in here at this point.  I have been helping Nick with this problem and thus far I have no solutions either.  As Nick stated previously, we swapped this S-series for an M-series.  The M-series worked just fine (we got 0 V when grounding the input to the output on AI0).  As Nick has hinted at, there may be an issue with the amount of power available from the controller.  The computer hosting the card uses a power supply that provides 6 A at 12V (correct me if I am wrong Nick as I do not have this in front of me).  Right now, we don't know how much of this power is available to the PCI bus itself (Nick is looking into this), but we do know that the S-series card has the potential to use about 3x more power.  This suggests that the issue may be due to the power available to the card hence Nick's question.  Any thoughts on this are appreciated.


Cheers, Matt

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 19

Hey Matt and Nick,

Can you tell me the make, model and full specs(Operating System, Processor, Ram, Motherboard,etc.) for both the "working" and "non-working" computers.

Thanks again

Nick K

National Instruments
Applications Engineer
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Message 10 of 19