Multifunction DAQ

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NI USB 6259 Analog Output not generating square wave

Hi all,


Sooo I'm very new at labview and I am having some issues with what should be a very simple problem, yet I cannot figure it out. I am trying to output two analog signals, 1 constant DC signal which can be triggered by a </> case structure and 2 a square waveform which can be updated on the fly (amplitude, frequency, phase, etc.).  Everything will run and shut off at the same time. Right now I am simply using a case structure to trigger the voltage output.


My problem is that when I connect the DAQ outputs to an oscilloscope I do not see the square waveform. I have tried examples from NI help which do output square waveforms as I want, so I know it's not the hardware. Also, when I check it with a multimeter I only read a constant voltage. This is most likely due the multimeters response, though I cannot verify. I was wondering if anyone has any insight to why my program will not output what I need?


By the way I am not a programmer by any means, and you might have to use small words when explaining things. I've attached my code. 



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Message 1 of 2

Hi sheaf1234,


Try the attached VI and see if it helps with your problem.  Using simulated devices I've been able to replace the DAQ Assistant VI with the DAQmx VIs and it was working fine for me.  You have to make sure that you choose the correct Device and Channels for your analog Outputs.  You can look at the example that I've sent and how I've done it.  The only other thing that I can think of that might cause your O-Scope to not read your analog output signals is that you're not connecting the correct AO 0 or AO 1 to your O-Scope.  Hopefully this helps!

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