Multifunction DAQ

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NI SCB-68A "A GND" and "D GND"



the NI SCB-68A connector has several Analog Ground "A GND" and "D GND".

All Analog Grund are not connected to other Analog Ground, means when i try

to measure from one AGND to another AGND.


Does that mean that i must connect ALL AGND to my source ground or only one?

If so all AGND must connected to each other on my PCI-6225 internally. Is that the case?

Do i need to connect all digital grund or just one?


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Message 1 of 3

The PXI-6225 is tricky as the two Connectors "0" and "1" have very different ground assigments, but the SCB-68A connector block attached to either appears the same.  Furthermore, the SCB-68A schematic on the inside of the cover is only for Connector "0" and only if you have cabled with the SHC68-68-EPM cable.  Lastly, the SCB-68A has circuitry selectable via on-board switches.  So, please describe exactly which 68-pin connector ("0" or "1") on the PXI-6225, and which cable  ("EPM" or other), and the position of the switches.

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Message 2 of 3

The grounds are connected inside of the DAQ card.  Therefore, you do not want the grounds connected in the terminal block.

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