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Import Windows MAX configuration into Linux DAQmx

I had 3 PCI DAQ cards in a WinXP box running LV 7.1.  While there, I had some 50 virtual channels setup to run with the various VIs.  Those same cards are now in a Linux (SUSE 9.3) box and I want to import those virutal channels.  How can I do this?  I have searched all over and cannot find any info for this.  Is it even possible?

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Message 1 of 5
Hello Ken,

From your post it looks like you are trying to migrate some of the virtual channels and task configurations you had from your Windows environment to your Linux system. Were the channels/task configured in Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX)?

Here are some resources about using DAQmx in Linux:

How do I configure my hardware if Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) has not been ported to Lin...

With NI-DAQmx for Linux, National Instruments has introduced the NI-DAQmx Configuration Utility (daqmxconfig) to allow you to import and export your hardware configuration as text files which are easily modified and read manually using text editors and spreadsheet applications. These files are in an INI-style format and describe the hardware configuration including plug-in devices, SCXI, SCC, and TEDS.

Using nidaqmxconfig for NI-DAQmx 8 for Linux

Take a look at these resources and let me know if you need anything clarified.

Have a nice day!

  Sandra T.

Applications Engineer | National Instruments
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Message 2 of 5
Hi Sandra,
I have seen those pages.  I can't seem to find where they might say how to format the Virtual Channels in the file for import.  They only talk about the hardware itself.  The original channels were created with MAX 3.1 for some Traditional DAQ devices.  I have since updated my NI-DAQ to 7.5 (from 7.2) and was able to convert the Traditional DAQ channels to DAQmx Global Channels (after reinstalling the DAQ cards in the WinXP box).  The only thing I am able to get from MAX for these channels is the traditional configuration (*.daq) save file or the Configuration Export (*.nce) file.  Both are binary files that the daqmxconfig utility doesn't like.
Is it possible to convert the NCE file to an INI for daqmxconfig to import?  Or are the global channel configurations stored somewhere else (in a VI maybe) that I can copy to the Linux box?
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Message 3 of 5
Hello Ken,

NCE file format is meant strictly for importing/exporting complete configurations, where the configuration is only edited by the MAX environment.

The nidaqmxconfig utility's import operation does not support tasks, channels, and scales, so you will be unable to import ini files from a windows machine.

  Sandra T.

Applications Engineer | National Instrument
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Message 4 of 5


Here is a suggestion (I haven't actually tried it so I am not positive it works).  With DAQmx 8.0 and greater you can export from Windows/MAX into tab delimited and ini format as well as .nce format.  So I would export to the ini format and then try and import that into your Linux system.  I warn you that if your devices don't match you will run into some problems, but now that it is an ini file you can edit that file by hand.  Let me know if this works.



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Message 5 of 5