The "HighSpeedDataLoggerWiz" example is in binary form and can not be opened in Excel as is explained in the documentation. I found an example called "Acquire Waveform" and added the function write to disk. I am only able to obtain 256 bytes of info in the excel spread sheet. I am trying to optain 6,000 bytes of data in about .1 seconds.
The binary format was chosen on that example because it's faster to log that datatype to the hard drive.
The best way to go about your application is to keep logging data as binary form, and convert that format to ascii format of line, after the log is completed.
Hope this helps. Filipe A. Applications Engineer National Instruments
I have the same problem and am very new to labview so it may be a stupid question! But how do you convert to ascii format of line in labview? am using labview 6i.