Hey guys, searched the forums and can't find much pertaining to this or any good examples about using the DAQmx Events.
Im currently writing a simple VI to detect either single falling edge events or single rising edge events. The falling edge event was easy because the 6009 supports counting falling edges, so all i had to do was put this in a loop and wait for the number of falling edges to be greater than zero to capture the event.
However, you can't count rising edges with the 6008/6009, but you can trigger off a rising edge. My problem is that it seems you cannot create an event that only waits for a trigger, the trigger must be followed by another event (such as N analog reads). So I made an event to wait for a rising edge trigger and then read 2 analog voltages which I do not use.
My problem: I need the timeout to be -1 because the time to wait for the trigger is unknown, but when I do that and a trigger never comes, the program will hang, and there is no way i can signal with a button on the front panel to stop waiting for the trigger.
Does anyone have any ideas for a simpler solution to creating an event from a rising edge with the 6009?
I saw in the