04-28-2016 03:00 AM
Hi, all!
I have NI-6229 DAQ board. I am working in MATLAB. The specification is here:
>> daq.getDevices ans = ni: National Instruments PCI-6229 (Device ID: 'Dev2') Analog input subsystem supports: 4 ranges supported Rates from 0.1 to 250000.0 scans/sec 32 channels ('ai0' - 'ai31') 'Voltage' measurement type Analog output subsystem supports: -10 to +10 Volts range Rates from 0.1 to 833333.3 scans/sec 4 channels ('ao0','ao1','ao2','ao3') 'Voltage' measurement type Digital subsystem supports: Rates from 0.1 to 1000000.0 scans/sec 48 channels ('port0/line0' - 'port2/line7') 'InputOnly','OutputOnly','Bidirectional' measurement types Counter input subsystem supports: Rates from 0.1 to 80000000.0 scans/sec 2 channels ('ctr0','ctr1') 'EdgeCount','PulseWidth','Frequency','Position' measurement types Counter output subsystem supports: Rates from 0.1 to 80000000.0 scans/sec 2 channels ('ctr0','ctr1') 'PulseGeneration' measurement type Properties, Methods, Events >>
I whant to use different Rate for input channels (250000.0 scans/sec) and for output (833333.3 scans/sec). How can I setup this?
This code:
mydaq = daq.createSession('ni'); addAnalogOutputChannel(mydaq, 'dev2', 0:1, 'Voltage') rate = 833333.3; mydaq.Rate = rate;
setup the Rate for both channels. But I need to set defferent rates for AO and AI channels.
04-28-2016 09:57 AM
I'm not familiar with the syntax required, but you'll need to create two separate tasks, as AI and AO cannot share task resources. You can (and must) set rates separately for each task. In the snippet of code that you've posted, you've only created the AO task.