Multifunction DAQ

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Demo VI and NI-DAQ example give different results

I need to acquire data from two analog signals in
a fixed time interval using an external scan
clock within a C program, and for this I plan to
use the NI-DAQ API .

To try things out, I used first the demo VI
'Acquire N Scans - ExtScanClk' in LabVIEW and
acquired 5900 samples for each channel for a
given time interval. However, when I tested the
equivalent NI-DAQ example
SCANsingleBufExtScan_Eseries.c, the demo acquired
only around 850 samples for each channel. Am I
missing something obvious here?

The hardware/software used:

* AT MIO-16E2
* PC 486 66 MHz, 16 MB RAM, Win 95
* LabVIEW 4.0
* NI-DAQ 6.1
* Borland C++ 5.0


P.S. Please CC reply to because I cannot
this newsgroup on my news server.

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