Dear Sergey,
These VIs work with the PCI/PXI 6527 boards. These boards are a new addition
in the NI product line and are in the 2000 catalogue. This is the only board
that those VIs will work with. For a listing of the boards that work with
the Config DAQ Event VI, you can refer to the NIDAQ Function Reference Manual
for a complete listing of which boards support DAQ Events 1-9.
Erin Bray
National Instruments
"Liberman, Sergey"
>In LabVIEW for Windows v. 5.1, under Digital I/O | Advanced palette, there>are
two new VI's: DIO Change Occurrence and DIO Change Occurrence>
Pop-up help on both of them says: "Creates occurrences that are set>by the
edge detection events. This is supported by the 652x devices." Now,>there
are no 652x devices in the 1999 NI catalog that I am aware of - must>be a
typo. There is no online reference help on these VI's in LabVIEW. Does>anyone
know what boards these VI's work with?>>There is also a VI under DAQ | Misc
palette, called DAQ Occurrence>>>My question is, what NI DIO plug-in
boards support hardware occurrences. One>board is probably PCI-DIO-32HS.
Any other plug-ins?>>TIA,>>-- Sergey Liberman (please respond to the newsgroup).>>