I have PCI 6025 with port A, B, C and DIO port.
with LabVIEW 8.0
In MAX, I create global virtual channel Digital output Port1 as the physical port A, why they don't use the same name?
In MAX, create new global virtual channel, Digital output port 2, and port 3 as port B and port C.
Previously, with traditional LabVIEW, configure the port for output and write a hex number (0xFF). that's simple.
I go into LabVIEW 8, using DAQmx, I can create a VI to write to port A,
1. using DAQmx create task, wire the global virtual channel to the create Task VI.
2. using DAQmx polymorphic digital 1D 1 channel N sample..
3. instead of hex 0xFF, I make an array with 8 boolean elements.
Q1. Do I do this correctly?
Q2. I would like to write to port A, port B and port C or port 1, 2 and 3. Is there a way for me to increment the global virtual
channel so I have only one VI (WriteToPort), with input parameter: global virtual channel, and input parameter: portData?
so I can pass in the parameters, and the VI will execute the write function.
Please give me examples
Thank you very much.