Multifunction DAQ

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Cont Acq&Graph Voltage-Int

I have a question on this vi. What is status under the error line. I read help menu. It said it will return the true or false value depending on the input. The input here is error out. Does it mean this status unbundle function return the true or false value when the input source is either true or false of the error out. Am I correct?
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Message 1 of 31


To put it in simple terms,

When an error is encountered in any previous stage/function, this status in the error bundle shows true.

If no error was encounterd during the flow, it shows false.


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Message 2 of 31

Hi Devchander:


I got it. I was verfiying and understanding my hardware in these months. RIght now, the hardware has no problem. So, I did not send email to you.

I am still working on the fixture with four buttons, reset, enable, bark and test.

I am trying to check if my current value is stable within 1 micro amp for a minimum of 2 seconds. It is as DMM, the current value will go down from 0.07mA to 0.033mA. By the time, the value will go from 0.033mA to 0.034mA and then go back to 0.033mA. Once it get to any value below 0.07mA and is stable within 1 micro amp for a minimum of 2 sceonds, I can put a light which said the test is passed.

Attached is my program and graph for you to better understand my question. Could I put any timer and then compare it to it? Do you have idea how to do it?

My company really urges me. I hope you can reply to me promply as you can.


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Message 3 of 31
Hi Devchander:
Is there any example that can show the current meter value wait for a stable in a minimum of 2 seconds?
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Message 4 of 31

Hi Dev:


I tried to use local variable of current meter value in state 2 and make it equal to some variable. The wire is not connected. I would like to put a for loop and make it in to run 2 seconds to verify the current value. Somehow the wire is not connected. Do you have any suggestion?

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Message 5 of 31


Change the local variable to 'Read'

Look at attached VI




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Message 6 of 31
Hi Devchander::
I tried to find information and click mouse buttons. I could not solve the output tunnel of white squre in my attacted file.
The state machine one does not need to use default if unwire, but the emun one appear white squre. Do you know how to solve this problem.

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Message 7 of 31


work coolly! analyse your wiring!Smiley Mad

LabVIEW is all about wiring your functions properly and terminating them correctly! Smiley Very Happy

A Programmer's Life does not get simpler than 'LabVIEW' Smiley Wink (Hey ppl, Maybe i should i should put this in LabVIIEW quotes thread!)

I just shifted the tunnels up- down.(in Attached VI)

look how have wired them! Smiley Wink

Wire them properly!



Message Edited by devchander on 02-22-2006 06:06 AM

Message Edited by devchander on 02-22-2006 06:07 AM

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Message 8 of 31
Hi Devchander:
Attached is the file I rewired. Now, the tunnels are all filled. According to the information from the web that I got, it said black is good and white tunnel is bad. Now, the tunnels are all filled. I think it is correct. Could you please tell if it is correct?
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Message 9 of 31
Its correct
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Message 10 of 31