Multifunction DAQ

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3 Analog Outputs from PCIe-6353 with BNC-2110 Connector Block

Hi, I have an application in which I need to output a 3-channel AO task. My DAQ board is the PCIe-6353 and I currently have it hooked up to a BNC-2110 connector block. Looking at the manual for the PCIe-6353, it seems that AO channels 0-1 and channels 2-3 are on different cable connectors, so I can't output AO channels 0-2 to a single BNC-2110. Is this correct?


If so, is there a way to re-route the signals so that I can use a single BNC-2110 to output all three AO channels?

If I can't re-route the signals, is the next best solution to simply buy another BNC connector block?

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Message 1 of 2
You'll need another 68 pin cable to connect to a second terminal block.
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Message 2 of 2