05-22-2006 07:03 PM
05-23-2006 05:55 PM
05-23-2006 06:24 PM
06-06-2006 01:49 PM
Hi PSevilla,
Sorry it took this long to respond. We were able to reproduce the issue here with our R&D department. As far as the intellisense not working after a certain point, this may be an issue with MFC C++. However, even without some of the intellisense working, we were able to get the project to compile fine using the .NET user control inside the MFC dialog. It appears that you might have been missing the appropriate references. For my main project, I included references to
Your Dot Net user control
After adding these references to the project, we were successful at using the syntax
m_ctrl1->digitalWaveformGraph1->XAxis->AutoSpacing = true;
Hope this helps and once again I apologize for the late response.
Best Regards,