02-16-2016 02:44 PM
I'm new to Measurement Studio and I was wondering if it is possible to plot AnalogWave form data on a Tank object. I've been able to get the data to plot on a Waveform graph using the Daq Assistant, but I would prefer to plot data in a tank and I'm having a lot of trouble doing this. Part of the issue is my lack of experience in C#, I'm familiar with LabVIEW and C++, but not C#. Any help is greatly appreciated.
02-16-2016 09:32 PM
02-17-2016 08:35 AM
02-17-2016 08:37 AM
Basically, here is what I’m trying to do. I have a load cell that I am using to collect data. When a user presses on the load cell, I want the Tank to represent the force that the user is applying and then when the user lets go, the tank value needs to represent that also by going back to zero. Just a live view of the load cell reading, displayed on the Tank rather than a graph. That is it, not at all complicated and it is very easy to do in LabVIEW, I just wanted to try accomplishing this using Measurement Studio and C#. Thank you for replying!
02-17-2016 08:50 AM
I understand and should have been more specific. I collect an array of n size, then take that array and average the contents so you have one number, then display it on the tank, repeat every 100ms or so.
02-17-2016 09:52 AM
02-17-2016 11:08 AM
Can you explain how you're doing this in LabVIEW, because I don't think it would work there either. You cannot wire an array into a scalar control, so you must be extracting one value from your array before writing to the control.
02-17-2016 11:31 AM
You are correct. Sorry, I should have explained that part in more detail. I collect an array of n size, then take that array and average the contents so you have one number, then display it on the tank, repeat every 100ms or so.
02-17-2016 12:20 PM
02-17-2016 12:50 PM
Ok, thanks for the help. I’m going to try and figure this out, but if I can’t I’ll post my code tomorrow.