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50103 error

Hi, I have cDaq-9174 and two NI9205 and two NI9213. For the server side I use ni grpc server. My client app is working fine if it is only 1 client, however, if the second client app tries to access the same NI device I get a 50103 error and never go inside the while loop(await responseStream.MoveNext()). 

Here is part of my code: 


for (int i = 0; i < selectedChannelsForPressure.Length; i++)

if (selectedChannelsForPressure[i] != string.Empty && selectedChannelsForPressure[i] != "N/A")

string chan = GetChannelName(int.Parse(new string(selectedChannelsForPressure[i].Where(char.IsDigit).ToArray())) - 1);

if (chan != "Invalid channel index") {

await client.CreateAIVoltageChanAsync(new CreateAIVoltageChanRequest
Task = task,
PhysicalChannel = chan, //"cDAQ1Mod1/ai7",
MinVal = 1,
MaxVal = 5,
TerminalConfig = InputTermCfgWithDefault.CfgDefault, //try to use diffrential method to see how it would reduce noize, but it is actually require to wire up two cables per channel, which is not possible
Units = VoltageUnits2.Volts,


pickedChannels.Add("pressure" + selectedChannelsForPressure[i], smth);




for (int i = 0; i < selectedChannelsForForce.Length; i++)
if (selectedChannelsForForce[i] != string.Empty && selectedChannelsForForce[i] != "N/A")
//string chan = GetChannelName(int.Parse(new string(selectedChannelsForForce[i].Where(char.IsDigit).ToArray())) + 11);
string chan = "cDAQ1Mod1/ai12";
if (chan != "Invalid channel index")

await client.CreateAIVoltageChanAsync(new CreateAIVoltageChanRequest
Task = task,
PhysicalChannel = chan,
MinVal = 1,
MaxVal = 5,
TerminalConfig = InputTermCfgWithDefault.CfgDefault,
Units = VoltageUnits2.Volts,

pickedChannels.Add("force" + selectedChannelsForForce[i], smth);



for (int i = 0; i < selectedChannelsForTemperature.Length; i++)
if (selectedChannelsForTemperature[i] != string.Empty && selectedChannelsForTemperature[i] != "N/A")
string chan = GetChannelName(int.Parse(new string(selectedChannelsForTemperature[i].Where(char.IsDigit).ToArray())) + 12);
if(chan != "Invalid channel index")

await client.CreateAIThrmcplChanAsync(new CreateAIThrmcplChanRequest //CreateAIThrmcplChan
Task = task,
PhysicalChannel = chan,
ThermocoupleType = ThermocoupleType1.JTypeTc, 
MinVal = 0,
MaxVal = 100,
Units = TemperatureUnits.DegC,
CjcSource = CJCSource1.BuiltIn


pickedChannels.Add("temperature" + selectedChannelsForTemperature[i], smth);




await client.CfgSampClkTimingAsync(new CfgSampClkTimingRequest
Task = task,
SampleMode = AcquisitionType.ContSamps,
SampsPerChan = 1000,
ActiveEdge = Edge1.Rising,
Rate = (double)numericUpDown1.Value

var everyNSamplesStream = client.RegisterEveryNSamplesEvent(new RegisterEveryNSamplesEventRequest
Task = task,
NSamples = (uint)numericUpDown2.Value,
EveryNSamplesEventType = EveryNSamplesEventType.AcquiredIntoBuffer,



var startTaskResponse = await client.StartTaskAsync(new StartTaskRequest { Task = task });

var getNumChansResponse = await client.GetTaskAttributeUInt32Async(new GetTaskAttributeUInt32Request
Task = task,
Attribute = TaskUInt32Attribute.TaskAttributeNumChans

int numberOfChannels = (int)getNumChansResponse.Value;


var responseStream = everyNSamplesStream.ResponseStream;
startTime = DateTime.Now;

async Task ReadData()
while (await responseStream.MoveNext())


var readResponse = await client.ReadAnalogF64Async(new ReadAnalogF64Request
Task = task,
NumSampsPerChan = (int)numericUpDown2.Value,
FillMode = GroupBy.GroupByChannel,
ArraySizeInSamps = (uint)(numberOfChannels * (int)numericUpDown2.Value),

double[] data = readResponse.ReadArray.ToArray();

grpcServerData = data;
if (data.Length > 0)


catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Error" + ex.Message);



var readDataTask = ReadData();
await Task.WhenAll(readDataTask);

await client.StopTaskAsync(new StopTaskRequest
Task = task

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