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extracting the pupil and iris

i am new to imaq vision and i have iris identification project
i have includid the script and picture and i had a circule around the pupil and my quistion is how can i extract the pupil then the iris?
please see my script and tell me
thanx alot
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 6

Hai Mana,

                  I have attached the script files for both pupil and iris. Hope this would help. Actually once you find out pupil, you can just extract region around it in such a way that will include the iris(obviously, iris should be around pupil)and do the next script on it so that that iris can also be obtained.



Ya Ya
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6
thank you very mych
but the iris script is not effictive if we change the picture
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6
Hi there,
By extract do you mean identify and remove/highlight/copy into another picture?
If you have a fairly consistent image you should be able to search the center of the image for a circular object (the pupil), find the center, and then find the diameter by looking for edges as you travel outward from the center.  This area can then be extracted (copied into another image) using the IMAQ extract VI or circled with an overlay.
I hope this gives you a good starting place!
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Message 4 of 6
yes that's what i want to do
i have did this project using c# and matlab using alorithms (dougman , gabor) but i am new in imaq
what is the function that can search for the edge to determine the diamiter??
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6
Hi again,
You may want to use a VI like IMAQ Edge Tool or something from the IMAQ Locate Edges palette.  Another great place to start is the Vision Assistant tool.  This tool will help you to prototype an inspection and then migrate it to LabVIEW after you have something to work from.  You can load your image and try out different edge detection technicques to see what works best.
Hope this helps!
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Message 6 of 6