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 I am building an inspection in NI vision builder for automated inspection. I just downloaded a VI specifying VBAI from Labview .What does a remote target define ? Also how to import an inspection file from VBAI into LabView. 

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Message 1 of 15
Accepted by topic author ImPradeepm

If you are running an inspection on a real-time target, that is where you can specify the IP Address of the target. The pull down will be automatically populated with all targets detected on the local subnet. It sounds like you want to run the VBAI engine on your local machine. You should check out the example LabVIEW API Example (Local).vi. It will launch a local VBAI Engine and allow you to browse to an inspection on your machine to open/run/get results/images.


Hope this helps,


Message 2 of 15

Thanks a lot Mr.Brad. I hope that will work . I will test on my machine once I get to it

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 15

Hi all,

I am new to VBAI, and in my application now I want to define ROI automatically from a set of points (free shape). I have tried with other type of ROI like Rectang,Magic Wand but it cannot work.

Really need your suggesion for it.

Thank you in advance.

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Message 4 of 15

Use the attached VI in a Run LabVIEW step and pass in an array of X points and an array of Y points. In subsequent steps you can use this Run LabVIEW's ROI. The attached VI is written in LV 2015 and works with VBAI 2015 (no LV required to use this in VBAI). It will also work in VBAI 2018 as well. 


Hope this helps,


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Message 5 of 15

Dear Brad,

Thank you for your help. Could you mind make it more clear for me a little bit?

As mention, I want use VBAI only, not related to LV. I saw in VBAI has call VI LV step but not yet use and not sure it works if I dont install LV.

My application as check color of a shape but the size of shape might vary, so I plan to get all corner points by calculate the intersection points from edge detection and build ROI. Magic Wand ROI cannot use here because the sample might have some color defect at edge.

Thank you so much.

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Message 6 of 15

Something that is probably simpler is to use the Measure Intensity step, which lets you draw a polygon ROI and it may actually have some measurements of interest for your application but you can also use the polygon ROI from that step in subsequent steps for doing your color analysis. What steps do you want to use? they may also have a polygon ROI since this is what it sounds like you want to use. You can have this ROI shift/rotate based on coordinate system if it's going to change as well. Check out the shipping example (C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\Vision Builder AI 2015\Examples\Tutorial 1 - Coordinate System.vbai) and see how the Check Cap Presence step uses a polygon ROI that moves as the part moves.


Hope this helps,


0 Kudos
Message 7 of 15

Dear Brad,

As I mentioned before,in my sample the target shape is not fix and slightly change position,color and size in the whole image, I already use color matching pattern and do some coordinate system transition to find it. But I need to define exact ROI as boundary of shape to find exact color inside because after find out the color, I must find out the abnormal point inside (might Hue and Saturation inside range but the Luminance is differ from the rest). You can see one picture as attached to see one kind of defect color. If the abnormal not appears at the boundary, normally I can use Magic Wand with the X and Y center mass getting from Detect Object step.

If I can define exact ROI and its boundary, I can count the color pixel in range, threshold color outside of range from Mean-Std Dev to Mean+Std Dev to findout abnomal color.

Can you give us some suggestion?

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Message 8 of 15

If you could include a few images of good and bad parts with descriptions of where the defects are and create copies of the images with hand drawn ROIs you'd want, this would greatly help in understanding your application so I can make a more educated recommendation about how to solve this. Also, what version of VBAI are you using?



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Message 9 of 15

Dear Brad,


Attached pls find my picture with some OK and NG sample. The ROI I want as the exact boundary of sample because if the ROI not exact as boundary, when I do detect color defects it might wrong from catching outside point.

Currently I test with VBAI 2018.

Thank you so much.

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Message 10 of 15