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Prosilica GX1050 external start aquisition does not work

We need to start acquisition from a prosilica GX1050 GigaE area scan camera with an external trigger source.

Using the ImaqDX and Labview we configure the attributes for “external trigger source” and for “acquisition start”.


When we start the acquisition we get a new frame each time we give an electrical pulse on the trigger line. That was not what supposed to happen. What we expected was that the acquisition will start in the first electrical trigger pulse and it will be run freely at the preprogramed acquisition rate.

I would be very grateful for any help.

See attached the configuration vi.

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Please see GX attributes document at:


In particular the FrameStartTriggerMode attribute.


I'm not a VI programmer, but know this camera...  I suspect you have the parameter currently tied to SyncIn1 (or 2), and will achieve your goal by changing it to "Freerun".





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