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Pattern of cracks


I have pattern of cracks after image processing (image below). It's possible to graphically connect the ends of cracks? 

I have some idea using for that Imaq Draw or Imaq fit line + rake or Imaq caliper tool. Ofc need ROI but  what next? Maybe somebody have advice where to begin or exapmle?

Best regards


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 5

You can do that task with morphology operation (closing) and elongated morphology structure element


Amit Shachaf
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5

Thank you for reply, but cracks will merge after closing operation. My task is


cracks 1.jpg



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5

If you threshold the image, you can treat each crack as an individual particle and use the IMAQ Particle Analysis Report to get the bounding rectangle of each crack and possibly connect corners of the bounding rectangles in some intelligent way.


You could also try some sort of algorithm that does a series of edge detections in one direction and connects the first edges that are found.


Each method that I could think of would have some drawbacks but I don't think there is a silver bullet function.

Matt J | National Instruments | CLA
Message 4 of 5

You might want to approach the cracks as texture object.

Seems from the picture you have sent that you are trying to segment the whole area with cracks.

I did in the past algorithm that was finding pileup dislocation (similar to cracks) in semiconductors.

You divide the area to smaller regions and do texture analysis on every region.

Then you could use classification to classify regions with cracks vs regions without cracks.

The cracks that you show in the image have particular texture.


Amit Shachaf
Message 5 of 5