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Labview Front Panel or EVS1464 display on an Allen-Bradley Panelview Plus Monitor ???

Has anyone had success integrating a labview front panel and/or using the EVS1464RT vision system and displaying camera images on an Allen-Bradley Panelview plus HMI? The Panelview Plus currently resides on WinCE 6.0. It appears that this may be possible using the Labview Touch Panel Module.


To my knowledge, the Panelview Plus, running Rockwell's FactoryTalkView ME software, uses a "Program Launcher" activeX control to launch application viewers from an HMI screen. The application then runs On Top of FactoryTalkView. This is one way to utilize a 3rd Party program if it can exist as a .cab file application on a WinCE device.


Another way to view images would be if NI offerred some sort of activeX control themselves that the Panelview could use as a camera viewer, embedded in an HMI screen. This may be possible by building an activeX control in Visual Studio per the Panelview product literature.


Has anyone had success trying any of these methods?

Chris Walker
Certified Labview Developer
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