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Help choose right lighting to use on a piece

Hi everyone,


I'm having trouble to acquire a good quality picture of an object to search for cuts, scratches and holes, the object is a completely reflective cilinder. until now i've managed to get a good picture but the reflection of the camera is way difficult to delete with lighting. The current lighting technique i'm using is a Dome lighting:


Sin títul414o.png


the best picture i took:

Sin título.png

That black particle is the reflection of the camera, What technique or type of lighting or trick can i use to get rid of that reflection?


thanks in advance

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 4

I have seen a light that combined a dome light with on axis lighting.  The camera looks through the on axis light.  You would need to adjust the brightness of the two lights to match, but it should eliminate the picture of the lens.


Here is an example:


Since you already have a dome light, you should be able to add an on axis light.



Bruce Ammons
Ammons Engineering
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4

Hi there


I have tried a solution that worked for me. 

I used a dome light and then a led matrix.... I used the digital outputs of the camera tu turn them on and off; that way i could inspect the rim of the object with the dome and the surface with the leds. 


Have a good day

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 4

It would be so helpful some picture or drawing of the teqnique you used.


Thanks a lot.

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Message 4 of 4