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GIGE camera "removed" when using IMAQdx or NIMAX

I have an Allied Vision GIGE camera: when using the manufacturer's SW or 3rd party apps we can stream images continuously without problem.  When access the camera from NIMAX or labview code with IMAQdx functions, I lose communication with the camera and after a period of time getting images from the camera.  After a short period of time the LV App stops and we get the error:


Error -1074360308 occurred at IMAQdx Get "Camera is Removed"  (or similar depending on which IMAQdx vi i'm using to access the camera)

When this happens the camera is no longer visible on the network (to any app) and the camera needs to be rebooted to reconnect.  The odd part is this only happens when accessing the camera from labview or NIMAX.  Camera runs fine with non NI apps, but something about the interaction with labview causes the camera to stop communicating when images are being transferred.  It is noted that the slower the frame or data rate the longer this takes to happen,  but it eventually it does happen in any configuration I've tested.

Same behavior is observed with both Labview 2019 sp1 and 2023, and with multiple routers/switches. firewall on/off, etc.


I'm using the NI high performance GIGE driver, have repaired and reinstalled LV, and yes Jumbo packets is on.

Similar behavior has been reported on a couple of other threads, but not recently and without resolution.  



A vi that produces this behavior is attached.  

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Message 1 of 3

Hello PESobol,

We had a similar problem. We use AV and Basler cameras.
In my case, it turned out that the cameras sporadically do not respond to the ICMP “ping” from the switch when the Ethernet load is too high.
In WireShark I could see the ICMP message destination unreachable as a response from the switch. I am not a network expert, but I think that switches try to check periodically if the devices on the ports are still there. If there is no response, the device is marked as not present. I was able to solve the problem by limiting the bandwidth on the cameras. I also deactivated all unused protokolls for the NIC.


I hope it helps!


We have another rather strange problem with AV cams.
Suddenly a LV camera program starts to show  same three images in an endless loop. The devil of it is that it looks to the laser operator like something is changing...  If you experience the same thing, please let me know.

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Message 2 of 3

Thanks- that makes sense because the camera can't be seen by any device after the failure. I also note that the LV functions result in much higher bandwidth utilization (2-3x) than the using the camera manufacturers app for the same image settings/format.   I'll pose it to the network folks.

Thanks again!

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