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Copying Attributes to an Additional Camera

I have been using a raL4096-24gm Basler Racer GigE camera for my inspection and just recently added another one. I am setting the attributes through the Read/Write Camera Attributes step in VBAI. The additional camera is the same camera as the first so I thought I could change the attribute settings to match the original. I get an image from the second camera but it looks as if it only scanned a portion of the material and then stretched out the image. There must be a setting that I missed in the attributes that is causing this and was wondering if there is a way I could copy the attributes from one camera to the other or even use the Read/Write Camera Attributes to write the same attributes to both cameras.

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Message 1 of 4

If you have an inspection with just the first camera, you can copy the acquisition step, edit it and choose the other camera and it should keep all the same settings used for the first camera and apply them to the second camera (assuming they are the same manufacturer/model). Do the same thing for the Read/Write Attribute step to ensure you set all the same attributes on the second camera.


If you don't have an inspection with just the first camera, delete all references to the second camera, save as a new inspection (so you'll have the original one still available), and then do the operations described above. If this still doesn't work, it means the camera may have some settings that it doesn't save to file (i.e. non streamable attributes is what they call it), and they could have been set by storing current settings to memory on camera so it always boots up this way and the second camera doesn't have the same non streamable attributes configured. The above operations will only ensure the streamable attributes are the same. You may also have different revisions of the camera and one may support different attributes than the other.


Hope this helps,


Message 2 of 4

Looks like the non streamable attributes are the cause of the problem. After doing what you suggested, the image was still coming out different than the first camera results. I will adjust the attributes for the second camera till I get what I need. 



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Message 3 of 4

Make sure that both cameras have the same Firmware revision. Despite the cameras being "Vision Compliant" there can still be relevant differences, as I have discovered the hard way. As an example, the default boot state of a specific camera attribute (that you are not intentionally setting) can be different from one firmware revision to another.


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