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Can not open VBAI 2014

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I was using different versions of Labview, VBAI. Then I uninstalled all NI software and reinstalled the Labview 2014 and VBAI 2014.


Now when I try to open VBAI, it does not pass the opening process. Attached the screenshot.


Sometimes it gives an error about some entry point could not be opened in nivissvc.dll. I googled it and found similar situations which says the reason of the problem is IMAQ and Windows itself. I uninstalled IMAQ drivers and nothing changed.


Also, I try to reinstall VBAI, and that did not give any result.


Formatting Windows is not an option for me. So, I wonder why is this happening and how can I fix it?


By the way, I was able to use VBAI 2014 in the first place before uninstalling all NI software.


Thanks in advance.Untitled.png

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Message 1 of 8

From the Start menu, type services, and make sure the NI mDNS Responder Service is started. We've run into some cases, where for some reason, that service has been turned off, and that causes VBAI to get stuck at the splash screen.




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Message 2 of 8

Cristophe, that was one of the posts I read in the forum and checked it quickly. mDNS responder service was started, then I restarted it just to be sure. But this does not solve the problem.

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Message 3 of 8

I still could not solve the problem. Here is the error that I get sometimes at the splash screen. Maybe this can help someone to identify this issue better.error.jpg

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Message 4 of 8

Hi sevincom,


You may have already seen the link below, but currently it seems the only way to resolve this issue is to reinstall Windows since the issue seems to be with the files in Windows.


- Kale 

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8

Hi sevincom,


From observation of similar past issues (including the one nikale linked above), the dll entry point issues never appear to be a problem with vision, but rather the process that is trying to access the vision dlls. In this case it would be the LabVIEW 2014 runtime engine. Can you try repairing the LabVIEW runtime engine to see if this makes any difference? If you had only VBAI installed, you wouldn't be able to repair the runtime engine separately, but I am guessing that you will be able to since you have both LV and VBAI installed. Would you also be willing to send in an image of your system so we can take a look and attempt to reproduce the issue here on our end?




Message 6 of 8
Accepted by topic author sevincom



I removed all NI software and installed VBAI and VDM 2013 this time. VBAI again was staying at the splash screen. And In labview Vision VIs were giving this kind of error:


Then I look for repairing Labview Run Time but it was not listed seperately. So, I try to repair Vision Run Time Engine.


Now the above error is fixed, and I can acquire images in Labview and also in VBAI. I did not try the VBAI 2014 yet and I am not planning to install it again 🙂

But obviously there is something fixed with repairing the Vision Run Time Engine.

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Message 7 of 8

Today, I encountered the same problem with another PC with VBAI 2014. I just repaired the Vision Run Time Engine again, and it is worked.


So, I just wanted to write down here as a future reference for users having this problem and also NI engineers.

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Message 8 of 8