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3D picture control - distance between points

Hi everyone, 

I'm trying to use 3D Picture Control palette in my project. It's a scanner based on triangulation method, as a result of my application I have a "cloud" of points which I display as mesh in 3D scene. The final effect is exactly what I wanted, but I also would like to dimension scanned objects (select 2 points from scene by mouse and then calculate a distance between them). Is it possible in 3D Picture Control? I was looking for how to get coordinates of any point by mouse, but without success.




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Message 1 of 7

Ok, now I know that its possible to select point from scene. I added event case, where 3D Picture was source and mousedown was event. Then I took Mouse Coords from the Event Data Node and substract the position of the control to get the coords inside the control. Unfortunately it works with every geometries except mesh with Points Draw Mode. Does anyone know why?




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Message 2 of 7

This seems strange indeed. What version of LabVIEW do you use? 


I tried to reproduce the issue in LabVIEW 2015, but it appears to work for all geometries, including mesh with Points Draw Mode.


Could you please share  the code you are testing? What parameters does the mesh you are generating have?

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Message 3 of 7

I use LabView 2013. Unfortunately now I can't share the code, I'll try soon. When I generated mesh I set only DrawMode (Points) and Color Binding Mode (Per Vertax), others are defaults. I was trying to resolve this issue for so long, but it has not worked with my parameters. I almost gave up, but I found that it's possible to create Delaunay Mesh and fortunately everything works with it. Now in my application I use "classic" mesh with Points Draw Mode and the Delaunay Mesh which I set as transparent. They are on one scene and it works exactly as I wanted. I attach the photo with final effect.




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Message 4 of 7

I am glad you found a workaround.


Once you upload the code (or just a relevant part causing this issue) I will continue looking into it. 

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Message 5 of 7

I'm attaching the code ( is main VI). I'll be grateful for any help with it. 

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Message 6 of 7

Ok, I have managed to reproduce the issue you reported, moreover, I have also confirmed that there are problems with DrawMode set to Points, Lines, Line Strip and Line Loop, whereas it works with all the other modes. I have identified the PickPoint Method to be the cause and have filled a CAR #557314 to request getting the issue fixed in future versions of LabVIEW.


Therefore, I can only advise you to use the workaround you found and I would like to thank you for reporting this issue, and contributing to further improvement of LabVIEW.

Message 7 of 7