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Install LabView On Centos 5.4 64bit

My organization is replacing the operating systems of the master computers of our machines from 32bit to 64bit Centos 5.4.

I tryed to install labview 8.6 on the 64bit computer and it didnt work. during the installation I got a massage that this labview installation is only for 32bit OS.

Is there a way to install LabView (any version) on the Centos 64bit?

If its possible then how?

Do NI planing to release a version for 64bit?

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Please make sure that you have all of the 32-bit compatibility libraries installed. I know that others have done this before with at least LabVIEW 2009 on a 64-bit version of openSUSE.

If this does not resolve the issue, could you please post more information on the error message that you are getting (screenshot, line numbers, etc). This will speed up the process of resolving this issue for you.

Randy Hoskin

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